The top 8 supply chain management certifications | CIO


 Программа The Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) – профессиональная сертификационная программа в области управления цепочками поставок. Эта область имеет важное значение для любой организации, будь то организация, работающая в сфере услуг или производства, продает она свою продукцию или услуги другим предприятиям, или конечным пользователям, являетесь ли она бизнес-организацией или некоммерческой структурой. Ваши клиенты ожидают хорошего качества по низкой стоимости, и скорость доставки становится все более важной. Как следствие, эффективное управление цепочками поставок имеет огромное значение для успешной конкуренции на современном глобализованном рынке. Программа подготовки APICS CSCP охватывает все операции в цепочке поставок: от поставщика и до конечного пользователя, предоставляя знания, необходимые для их эффективного управления и интеграции.

A future investment: the scpro

Honorary mention goes to the SCPro certification, which is offered by the large and prestigious CSCMP. Traditionally an organization with a strong focus on logistics, the CSCMP is seeking to cover the broader supply chain field with its new certification program, which was launched in 2021.

Apics scor

Особое значение в процессе построения эффективной цепочки поставок имеет SCOR модель (Supply Chain Operations Reference Model), разработанная Советом по управлению цепочками поставок (Supply Chain Council).

На основе SCOR модели проводится комплексное исследование производственных процессов и процессов логистики компаний различных отраслей. SCOR модель представляет собой свод производственных и логистических процессов, к каждому из которых прилагается необходимый набор практик, навыков и компетенций. Эффективность процессов измеряется согласно метрикам, соответствующих каждому из процессов и каскадирующихся от процесса нижнего уровня до процесса верхнего уровня. SCOR модель создана экспертами на основе анализа используемых в различных компаниях процессов и практик. Использование APICS SCOR модели позволяет оценить состояние текущих процессов в компании, измерить их, соотнести их с процессами в других компаниях соответсвующей отрасли и определить пути для их улучшения.

Компания Insight Projects Group регулярно проводит ознакомительные семинары по программе SCOR, а также реализует консалтинговые проекты по развитию компетенций по операционного менеджменту, логистике, планированию и комплексного управления цепями поставок, основываясь на методологии APICS SCOR.

В 2021 году APICS (ASCM) и компания Deloitte объявили о запуске Модели цифровых возможностей (DCM – Digital Capability Models for Supply Chain) для цепей поставок.  Эта модель позволит помочь трансформировать управление цепочками поставок в современном мире. DCM помогает компаниям осуществить переход  от традиционных линейных цепочек поставок к цифровым сетям. Ознакомительные материалы по DCM.

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Видео-презентацию по модели SCOR.

Beyond the top five supply chain certifications

Once you go outside our top five picks, there are still plenty of SCM certification options from which IT pros can choose to pursue their career development and advancement options. SAP, for example, offers three Application (Solution) Consultant SAP SCM credentials:

one on Planning & Manufacturing, one on ERP Procurement (Material Management), and one on ERP Order Fulfillment (Sales Order Management). Taken en masse, these three items almost matched the job counts for the Six Sigma Black Belt that finished in last place in our top five, so these credentials have some market presence and heft.

Cpsm costs

There are three exams to prepare for with the CPSM: Supply Management Core, Supply Management Integration, and Leadership and Transformation in Supply Management.

*Prices reflect those provided by ISM as of June 2021.

Cpsm facts and figures

Certification NameCertified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM)
Prerequisites & Required CoursesThree years’ full-time supply management experience in a non-clerical, non-support role, plus a regionally accredited bachelor’s degree. Alternatively, five years of like experience (nonclerical, nonsupport) is also acceptable. Courses are optional.
Number of Exams

Three Exams:
Exam 1 – Foundation of Supply Management (2:45, 165 questions)
Exam 2 – Effective Supply Management Performance (2:45, 165 questions)
Exam 3 – Leadership in Supply Management (3:00, 180 questions)

Exams may be taken at Pearson VUE testing centers or by prior arrangement with ISM for on-site training/testing combinations.

Cost of Exam$229 for ISM members; $379 for first exam for nonmembers (includes price of membership in the cost; subsequent exams will be at member cost.) Annual membership is required and costs $210 to join, and $190 thereafter to maintain.
Self-Study MaterialsISM offers a range of exam-preparation materials, including study tips and study materials that include a reading list, three volumes of study guides ($79/$119 member/nonmember and up), self-study workbooks, practice tests, and more. A variety of bundles is available, and members qualify for discounts.

Cpsm: ideal for a career in procurement

The ISM offers two certifications: The CPSM (Certified Professional in Supply Management) and the CPSD (Certified Professional in Supply Diversity). The consensus among our experts is that the CPSD is a highly specialized qualification best suited to individuals at a relatively advanced stage of their careers, so we won’t cover it here.

The CPSM was launched in 2008 and has a strong focus on procurement. Or, as Sherman puts it, “ISM is an organization for procurement and strategic sourcing people. The certification program is strongly focused on purchasing and procurement.”

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Ferrarri agrees: “It’s very specialized—you’ll study procurement practices, contract management, financial management, and more. From what I see, it’s good for people who have maybe been in a procurement position for five years, and now want to advance.”

Boyle, who has the CPSM, stresses again that the certification equips professionals with shared language, terminology, and ideas. And like APICS, the ISM says that those with the certification can earn more: ISM’s own salary survey for 2021 states that professionals with a CPSM earn 14.7% more than those without it.

Cscp: ideal for general supply chain careers

Before you select a professional certification, it’s essential to know what areas of supply chain management appeal to you. If you’re looking to first gain a broad overview, then Ferrarri, Boyle, and Sherman agree: the best certification is the CSCP from APICS.

First launched in 2006, over 13,000 supply chain professionals in 78 countries have since gained the CSCP. According to the APICS, it “provides you with a mastery of supply chain management best practices and distinguishes you as an industry expert with specialized, high-level knowledge and skills.”

But what’s actually in it? I asked Ferrarri, who, in spite of his three decades of experience in supply chain management, took the certification five years ago to see if he was “up to speed.” His reply? More or less “everything is in it.”

Boyle, who also took the APICS CSCP after working in supply chain management for decades, elaborates on this: “It teaches you to look at the supply chain from a broad perspective; to view the relations between the areas of planning, sourcing, manufacturing, and delivering and see how the overall supply chain integrates.”

Exam eligibility requirements

The SCPro is a multi-tiered certification. Below is pricing for each tier:

Supply chain certifications: a valuable investment

There are many factors to consider when contemplating whether to get a professional supply chain certification, but our experts agree: All three certifications discussed here are excellent qualifications that will most likely set you apart from the competition when searching for a job.

In Ferrarri’s view, certifications are increasingly becoming a prerequisite in supply chain careers. Sherman points out that, if confronted with two candidates of equal experience, one of which has a formal certification, a recruiter will almost certainly opt for the certified individual. “It’s all about risk mitigation,” he explains.

Boyle agrees, but adds that ultimately, a lot comes down to you—you’ll need to take the time to do your research and think carefully about your own career goals to decide which certification is best for you.

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What are the benefits of certified supply chain professional (cscp) certification?

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Why get an apics certification?

Here are some benefits supply chain professionals report from their certification:

  • APICS-certified individuals earn 21% more than their non-certified peers
  • Women under 40 years old report a median salary of $81,000 annually, which is $2,000 more than what men reported
  • 95% of all supply chain professionals kept their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Supply chain professionals with at least one APICS certification have a median salary of $90,000, which is 27% higher than those without one

*Based on the 2021 ASCM Supply Chain Salary and Career Survey Report and the 2020 ASCM Salary Survey

Another advantage of the CSCP, Ferrarri says, is that it’s what many employers want. “More and more companies today are seeking generalists—people with cross-functional knowledge, experience, and skills,” he explains.

Sherman agrees. “Supply chain management is evolving into a truly end-to-end process that synchronizes cross-functional activities and includes suppliers and customers,” he says.

“Employers want to have managers that not only have an understanding of the function they’re responsible for, but for how their processes interact with other functional processes and organizations. This is especially important as the person’s career moves forward and their responsibilities include more functions.”

Формат тренинга

Обучение проводится по материалам Международной ассоциации операционного менеджмента – APICS. Курс читается на русском языке с использованием оригинальных материалов APICS на английском.

Целевая аудитория

  • Специалисты в области логистики, производства, запасов и закупок, а также специалисты, работа которых связана с вопросами планирования производства.
  • Руководители и сотрудники компаний, заинтересованные в быстром овладении знаниями в области управления цепями поставок.
  • Молодые специалисты, которые хотят познакомиться с международной терминологией и методологиями, которые используются в цепочках поставок.
  • Специалисты, занимающиеся внедрением систем ERP, и ERP- консультанты.
  • Специалисты в области продаж, желающие получить основные фундаментальные понятия об операционной деятельности компании и о цепочках поставок.
  • Специалисты, желающие получить международный сертификат APICS CPIM.

Цель тренинга

Программа предусматривает получение навыков управления и координации деятельность в сегодняшних крайне сложных цепочках поставок. Участники узнают, как разрабатывать стратегии по управлению цепочками поставок, в соответствии с корпоративной стратегией; поймут, как управлять взаимоотношениями с клиентами и поставщиками; узнают о том, как материально-техническое обеспечение, технологии и данные, могут повысить производительность труда; найдут пути достижения полной интеграции всех процессов, для удовлетворения потребностей клиентов, снижения издержек и увеличения прибыли.

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